

目前顯示的是 9月, 2008的文章

2008/09/26 本週同意字比較~ 「便宜」有差別

別宜也有明顯的差別唷 當你聽到一個東西是 cheap 或 inexpensive 時,要小心別人在暗示你東西品質的好壞唷! 例句: I wouldn't be caught dead in the cheap clothes from that store! 我絕對不會穿那間店買來的廉價衣服! I can't believe you bought the cheap computer. 我不敢相信你買了那部廉價電腦。 I shop here because the clothes are cool and inexpensive. 我在這裡購物,因為那些衣服挺不賴的,而且也不貴。 The food at the restaurant is great, and it's inexpensive too. 那間餐廳的食物很棒,而且花費不多。

2008/09/26 本週片語~ pull up stakes

pull up stakes 遷移 美國早期人們都會在自己的土地邊界上丁木樁 (stakes) 做為私人財產的標示。如果將此木樁拔起 pull up stakes,則表示準備「遷移;離開」。 例句: We're looking forward to pulling up stakes and leaving all this behind. 我們希望離開,並把這裡的一切拋開。 會話: Felix: I am so tired of the traffic in this town. 菲力克斯:我真受夠了這個城鎮的交通。 Laura: Maybe it's time we pulled up stakes and looked for a new place to live. 蘿拉: 也許是我們該離開另覓新居的時候了。

2008/09/26 一週圖解主題單字 At the check-in counter

本週主題單字~ 在機場櫃檯 1. monitor 螢幕 2. airline 航空公司 3. airline clerk 航空公司櫃員 4. public phone 公用電話 5. check-in counter (辦理)登機手續櫃台 6. duffel bag 筒狀行李 7. backpack 背包 8. scale 磅秤 9. baggage claim tag 行李標籤 10. passenger 旅客 11. tour group 旅行團 12. luggage/baggage 行李 13. tour guide 導遊 14. rolling luggage 有滾輪的行李 15. luggage tag 行李吊牌 16. briefcase 公事包 17. plane ticket 機票 18. boarding pass/card 登機證 19. passport 護照 20. laggage cart (trolley) 行李推車

2008/09/19 同意字比較 bare and naked

「露」的大不同 bare 和 naked 都有「裸露」的意思,但是露的地方可不同喔! 看完了比較來小試一下身手吧: 1. She's cold because her arms are ___________ (bare/naked). 2. He stood ____________ (bare/naked) in the shower ◎補充例句: 1. Mary likes to walk on the grass with bare feet. 瑪莉喜歡赤腳走在草地上。 2. Not one part of his body was bare. 他全身上下沒有一個地方沒穿衣服。 3. The baby was naked, so his mom put some clothes on him. 那個嬰兒全身光溜溜的,所以他媽媽幫他穿上衣服。 4. I was so embarrased when you saw me naked. 讓你看到我一絲不掛,我覺得很不好意思。

2008/09/19 本週片語 Pop out

本週片語~Pop out 突然出現 pop 原指汽球的「爆裂聲」或瓶塞拔出時所發出「啪」的一聲。pop out 可當動詞用,比喻某件事物「突然出現」,引起眾人矚目。 ◎例 句: I didn't see the car coming; it just popped out of nowhere. 我沒看到那部車過來,它不知道是從哪冒出來的。 ◎會 話: Sandra: I can't believe you aid that to Abby! 珊卓:我真不敢相信你跟艾比說那種話! Jim: I didn't mean to. It just popped out of my mouth. 吉姆:我不是故意的,就突然脫口而出。

2008/09/14 一週主題圖解單字

本週主題圖解單字~ 打包行李篇.... 1. laptop 筆記型電腦 2. adapter 轉接頭 3. digital camera 數位相機 4. cell phone 手機 5. charger 充電器 6. eye mask 眼罩 7. mane tag 姓名牌 8. traveler's check 旅行支票 9. notepad 筆記本 10. suitcase 行李箱 11. clothe 衣服 12. toiletry kit 盥洗包 13. carry-on bag 隨身物品袋 14. debit card 金融卡 15. credit card 信用卡 16. wallet 皮夾 17. money 錢 18. medicine 藥物 19. guidebook 導覽手冊 20. map 地圖

一週片語~ play hardball

本週片語~ play hardball... 此片語原為棒球用語,指使用標準的棒球 (standard ball) ,也就是硬球 (hardball) 來進行比賽, 而非稍大、較軟且較容易打的壘球 (softball) 。後來常被引申指「採取強硬手段;態度強硬」。 例句: Because the reporter would not reveal her source, the judge decided to play harballl and put her in jail. 由於該名記者拒絕透露消息來源,法官決定採取強硬措施將她送進監獄。 會話例句: Kevin: I can't get my employees to come to work on time. 凱文:我沒有辦法叫我員工準時上班。 Annie: Maybe it's time to play hardall. Tell them you'll take money from their paychecks when they are late. 安妮:也許是採取強硬做法的時候了。告訴他們遲到就要扣薪水。

一週成語~ pick up steam

本週片語 pick up steam 漸入佳境 pick up steam 原指以蒸氣 (steam) 為動力的火車或汽船等交通工具逐漸增加蒸汽動力,使行進速度加快,在這裡 (pick up steam) 引申形容事物"逐漸開始發展";"聲勢增加"等意思。 例句:   As the US economy has picked up steam, the unemployment rate has dropped. 隨著美國經濟景氣逐漸回升,失業率也已經下滑。 會話: James: That meeting was so boring. I'm glad I only had to stay ten minutes. 詹姆士: 那個會議超無聊的。我很高興我只需要留在那裡十分鐘。 Eileen: Actually, it really picked up steam about twenty minutes into it, and the rest of the hour was very interesting. 艾琳:其實會議開始二十分鐘後就開始進入狀況了,之後剩下的時間講的東西真的很有趣。