
Fall? Fall down?

fall? fall down? Which is the right form?
Fall跌倒,常常有人會說 He falls down. 而不說 He falls.到底是fall還是fall down?正確來說應該是Fall而已在外國人的認知來說,fall就是跌倒的意思了,沒有必要再加一個down這個道理很簡單,人跌倒本來就是向地上跌倒,應該沒有人會向上跌倒吧!所以為什麼是只有fall而不是fall down啦!Sit座,Sit的情況就不是這樣了,Sit跟Sit down的用法不一樣如果你跟朋友在一家餐廳約見面,你的朋友會跟你說Sit down,這個情況是因為位置就在這裡,也就是你所在的地方所以如果你可以座的位置在旁邊,也就是你身邊沒有位置時候,就要用sit,例如 You can sit voer there.這樣的觀念應該可以很清楚知道sit的情況了吧!



一週成語~ pick up steam

本週片語 pick up steam 漸入佳境 pick up steam 原指以蒸氣 (steam) 為動力的火車或汽船等交通工具逐漸增加蒸汽動力,使行進速度加快,在這裡 (pick up steam) 引申形容事物"逐漸開始發展";"聲勢增加"等意思。 例句:   As the US economy has picked up steam, the unemployment rate has dropped. 隨著美國經濟景氣逐漸回升,失業率也已經下滑。 會話: James: That meeting was so boring. I'm glad I only had to stay ten minutes. 詹姆士: 那個會議超無聊的。我很高興我只需要留在那裡十分鐘。 Eileen: Actually, it really picked up steam about twenty minutes into it, and the rest of the hour was very interesting. 艾琳:其實會議開始二十分鐘後就開始進入狀況了,之後剩下的時間講的東西真的很有趣。

2008/09/19 同意字比較 bare and naked

「露」的大不同 bare 和 naked 都有「裸露」的意思,但是露的地方可不同喔! 看完了比較來小試一下身手吧: 1. She's cold because her arms are ___________ (bare/naked). 2. He stood ____________ (bare/naked) in the shower ◎補充例句: 1. Mary likes to walk on the grass with bare feet. 瑪莉喜歡赤腳走在草地上。 2. Not one part of his body was bare. 他全身上下沒有一個地方沒穿衣服。 3. The baby was naked, so his mom put some clothes on him. 那個嬰兒全身光溜溜的,所以他媽媽幫他穿上衣服。 4. I was so embarrased when you saw me naked. 讓你看到我一絲不掛,我覺得很不好意思。

2008/09/26 本週同意字比較~ 「便宜」有差別

別宜也有明顯的差別唷 當你聽到一個東西是 cheap 或 inexpensive 時,要小心別人在暗示你東西品質的好壞唷! 例句: I wouldn't be caught dead in the cheap clothes from that store! 我絕對不會穿那間店買來的廉價衣服! I can't believe you bought the cheap computer. 我不敢相信你買了那部廉價電腦。 I shop here because the clothes are cool and inexpensive. 我在這裡購物,因為那些衣服挺不賴的,而且也不貴。 The food at the restaurant is great, and it's inexpensive too. 那間餐廳的食物很棒,而且花費不多。